Please see below some pictures taken at our latest induction. All staff receive a paid classroom based two-week induction training programme that takes them through the statutory training, paid two weeks of shadowing with an established member of staff and further training on topics more specific to the individuals who use the service.100% of staff are trained in BILD approved Positive Behavioural Support Training (including theory and practice of PRT and Positive Behaviour Support Plans) during this induction period.
We ensure that the staff we employ all have suitable evidence-based training around challenging behaviour and that they have the right attitude to support the individuals in the service.
Congratulations to Lauren pictured below from our Stewart Court Service who has successfully completed the Care Certificate. Well done to you from everyone at CTS.
The CTS Training team is made up of the following individuals:
Dr David Bladon-Wing – Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Company Director
Dr Marc Talbot – Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Tracy Cox – Consultant Learning Disabilities Nurse
Claire Chapman – Operational Support Manager
Gail Burfitt – Health and Safety Manager
Sarah Hitchins – PRT trainer and Senior Support Worker
Stephen Poole – PRT Trainer and Shift Leader
Rhys Thomas – PRT Trainer and Shift leader
Sally Ford – Training Co-Ordinator
All individuals involved are knowledgeable and experienced practitioners who are passionate about developing the knowledge and skills of staff members to ensure that the individuals we support are provided with the highest quality of support.
Below are some pictures taken at the awards evening.
CTS has recently collected two awards at the Care and Support West Care Awards.
The awards celebrate the work of individual staff members who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and excellence in the Health Care sector through their dedication to and passion for caring.
The award for Care Home Worker was awarded to Sharna Hunt who is a Support Worker in our Longton Court service, and the award for Non-Residential Organisation of the Year was awarded to the Supported Living Team. Further award success could be ahead for CTS as both award winners have made it through to the Regional Finals of the Great British Care Awards, along with Becky Jeffreys, David and Emily Bladon- Wing and the Training Team.
Below are some pictures taken at the awards evening at Ashton Gate Stadium.
We are really proud to have finalists in the following categories:
Sharna Hunt- Care Home Worker Award
Hayley Dench – Supported Living Manager Award
David & Emily Bladon-Wing – The Employer of the Year Award
Supported Living Team – Non Residential Org of the Year
Congratulations and good luck to the finalists!
Congratulations to all 38 staff who achieved 100% attendance at work during May – September 2019! All 38 staff received a bonus payment and were entered into an attendance lottery! Some of the lottery winners are pictured below with David Bladon-Wing
Congratulations to Nicky our HR Administrator who has successfully achieved the CIPD level 5 in Human Resources Management qualification. Below is a picture of Nicky at her graduation ceremony.
Well done from everyone at CTS.
Please see below some pictures taken at our latest induction. All staff receive a paid classroom based two-week induction training programme that takes them through the statutory training, paid two weeks of shadowing with an established member of staff and further training on topics more specific to the individuals who use the service.
CTS would like to welcome you all to the team.
Congratulations to Chloe pictured below from our Stewart Court Service who has successfully completed the Care Certificate. Well done to you from everyone at CTS.
We have invested in the Care Certificate for all staff and have a rolling training programme to ensure that all new staff receive their induction and competency assessments within a short time of working for us.
All staff receive a paid classroom based two week induction training programme that takes them through the statutory training, paid two weeks of shadowing with an established member of staff and further training on topics more specific to the individuals who use the service. 100% of staff are trained in BILD approved Positive Behavioural Support Training (including theory and practice of PRT and Positive Behaviour Support Plans) during this induction period.
We ensure that the staff we employ all have suitable evidence-based training around challenging behaviour and that they have the right attitude to support the individuals in the service.
A massive congratulations to David and Emily who have made it through to the final of the Somerset Outstanding Care Awards 2019 employer of the year category.
Well done and good luck.
The nominations from 2019 Care & Support South West Care Awards have all been read and reviewed. We are really proud to announce that we will be attending the Awards on Saturday 12th October with nominations in the following categories: Care Home Worker, Employer of the year, Non-Residential Organisation of the year (Supported Living Team) and Supported Living Manager.
Good luck everyone.
Everyone at CTS would like to congratulate Emily and David on making it through to the semi-final of the Somerset Outstanding Care Awards 2019 for the employer of the year. Good luck.
The theme this year is The Mental Capacity Act and being in control of your safeguarding.
A massive congratulations to Gilbert pictured below who is a shift leader at our Stewart Court service on passing his Level 4 professional certificate in Positive Behaviour Support.
Positive Behaviour Support plans
Behaviour support plans are informed by an assessment of a range of factors. As part of the plan we may create primary preventative strategies and secondary preventative strategies. Behaviour support plans include guidance as to how staff can support a person to reduce the likelihood of reaching ‘crisis’ or how best to support the person once in a ‘crisis’. This may include the use of secondary prevention and as a last resort restrictive interventions.
A massive congratulations to Sarah who works at our Longton Court service and is one of the company’s PRT trainers on passing her Level 4 professional certificate in Positive Behaviour Support.
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) provides a framework that seeks to understand the context and meaning of behaviour in order to inform the development of supportive environments and skills that can enhance a person’s quality of life. We use PBS as the person-centred, values-based approach to ensure people are living the best life they possibly can. This involves assisting a person to develop personal relationships, improve their health, be more active in their community and to develop personally.
Congratulations to Catherine pictured below who is now the Registered Manager of our Victoria Court Service. She has been working for CTS since August 2018. She has over 15 year’s experience working in the health and social care sector, supporting individuals affected by learning disabilities, mental health needs and those with complex health needs.
Catherine has successfully completed her NVQ Level 3 in Health and Social Care and is currently working towards a Level 5 qualification in Leadership and Management and will be starting the BTEC in Positive Behaviour Support.
Well done to Emily and Frances (pictured below) from our Stewart Court Service who have successfully completed the Care Certificate.
“Employer of the Year Nominee”
We are excited to announce that David and Emily have been nominated for employer of the year at the Somerset Outstanding Care Awards 2019. We will keep you all updated.
“Thank you to our Learning Disability Nurses”
Pictured below are Tracy, Emily and our two student nurses celebrating 100 years of Learning Disability nursing.
We have pledged our support to the Restraint Reduction Network and are calling for all services across health, social care and education to implement the new training standards
” Latest Induction “
Please see below some pictures taken during our latest induction in March, where you will see our Health and Safety Compliance Manager Gail teaching First Aid and Fire training.
Career Development and Pathways to Promotion
We are committed to promote staff internally and use the supervision and appraisal system to guide performance. We have a clear pay-scale that relates to performance indicators so all staff can track their progress and understand what they might need to do to progress further. We offer training for staff on becoming managers and some of our services are being led by staff who have risen through the levels from care support staff, senior support, shift leader, then team leader or trainee manager.
“Well done to Bridgwater Court”
Well done to our Bridgwater Court service who raised £25 for Save the Children by wearing their Christmas jumpers to work in 2018.
” Well Done “
Well done to Rebecca (pictured below) from our Victoria Court Service and Andy (pictured below) from our Stewart Court Service who have successfully completed the Care Certificate.
We have invested in the Care Certificate for all staff and have a rolling training programme to ensure that all new staff receive their induction and competency assessments within a short time of working for us.
Congratulations to Ben pictured below who is now the Registered Manager of our Stewart Court Service. Stewart Court is the most recent CTS provision which opened in April 2016. It offers robust therapeutic residential accommodation and care for people with intellectual/learning disabilities, autism and mental health needs in the Bristol area. It consists of three separate houses, each providing three self-contained flats that promote dignity and privacy for the people who use the service. It is named in honour of Michael and Alison Stewart who both worked at CTS, and whom remain in our thoughts each day.
Please see below some pictures taken during our latest induction in January, where you will see two of our PRT trainers Josh and Marc teaching some breakaway techniques, and our Health and Safety Compliance Manager Gail teaching First Aid. All staff receive a paid classroom based two week induction training programme that takes them through the statutory training, paid two weeks of shadowing with an established member of staff and further training on topics more specific to the individuals who use the service. All staff are trained in BILD approved Positive Behavioural Support Training (including theory and practice of PRT and Positive Behaviour Support Plans) during this induction period.
CTS would like to welcome you all to the team.
” Well Done “
Two of our Positive Response Trainers Sarah and Rhys attended training last week to complete their one year reaccreditation for PRT. We are proud to say they have both passed and are looking forward to continuing to train our staff Positive Behaviour Management. Well done to you both.
A massive congratulations to Emily pictured below from our Bridgwater Court Service who has successfully completed her BIIAB level 3 Diploma in Health and Social care. Well done Emily.
To nominate please follow the link:
At CTS we have an extensive programme of training that includes specialist training as well as the required mandatory training. Below are just some of the pictures taken at our latest induction where you will see the Positive Response Trainers Sarah and Rhys teaching breakaway techniques. You will also see Gail our Health and Safety Compliance Manager teaching First Aid.
We would like to welcome you all to CTS.
CTS has recently collected three awards at the Care and Support West Care Awards.
The awards celebrate the work of individual staff members who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and excellence in the Health Care sector through their dedication to and passion for caring.
The award for Care Home Registered Manager was awarded to Rebecca Jeffreys Registered Manager of our Bridgwater Court service and the award for Front Line Nurse and the Outstanding Contribution to Care was awarded to Tracy Cox our Learning Disabilities Nurse. Further award success could be ahead for CTS as both award winners have made it through to the Regional Finals of the Great British Care Awards, we wish them well.
Dr David Bladon-Wing owner of CTS said “what an incredible result for CTS. We are all completely thrilled. Rebecca and Tracy strive continuously to deliver outstanding care and support to our residents and the awards are a testament to their commitment and tenacity, attributes that are reflective of the whole team here at CTS. I could not be more proud”.